Psychodrama w pracy z dziećmi

Psychodrama w pracy z dziećmi



Stefan Flegelskamp

4 października 2024 - 6 października 2024


Cena seminarium: 1 260 zł

The Healing Play



 “A child is very serious when playing“ J. Rousseau


The psychodramatic therapy of children differs profoundly from treating adults with this method and demands a lot of the psychodrama therapist. Children communicate differently from grown-ups. Playing is their instrument of expressing their inner world and they use symbols to do so. One can say: Playing is their „royal way“to express the unconscious. They search for their possibilities by „Doing and Acting“. They test their inner images by acting it out and bringing it on the appropriate stage.

Children play, choose subjects, places and roles. That is the way they express themselves, develop and have fun. Presumably this is the origin of the psychodramatic therapy. Jacob L. Moreno based his psychodramatic work on this kind of play and included the basic steps and elements of the human development.

Children are characterized by an outstanding creativity. They can change sorrowful situations into a game with symbols and find solutions for their own conflicts. Constitutive psychodramatic fundamental techniques are adopted by the vivid, childish play. Children psychodrama supports the self-development and the advancement of children in a special way.


 The course teaches the basics of this symbolic play with children in theory and practice, corresponding psychodramatic techniques for action and the appropriate use of psychodramatic options for intervention in both group and individual therapy.

Target Group

Professionals who work with children educationally and / or therapeutically such as child and adolescent psychotherapists, physicians, psychologists, mental health and social workers, teachers, and educators.


CONDUCTOR: Stefan Flegelskamp

Social worker and psychotherapist for children and youth,Child psychodrama – therapist, psychodrama director for adults, head of the “Szenen”  Institut for Psychodrama in Cologne and InterPlay international in Sofia, Bulgaria. Since 2009 he is active in FEPTO, cofounder and coorganisator four Symposiums for Psychodrama with Children and Adolescents.  He conduct a psychodrama project in Gaza , Palestine. Currently in the role Coordinator of the Fepto children and youth network group.




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